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2S9A2958.jpg       这个世纪文明的交汇,以爱照耀世界。2015环球精英女性竞选大赛“让爱绽放于世界”8月8日荣耀呈现于中国深圳进行初赛,8月29日进行总决赛。
       To enlighten the world with love, in the intersection of civilization in this century. Global Premier Women Competition of 2015 "Let love blossom in this world" gloriously present in Shenzhen, starting out the preliminary on 8th of August, and the finals on 29th of August.

       Overall development of the world economy up to present moment, human material civilization has entered the era of relative surplus, we have felt the gift of material civilization, as well as the rich result as generated from it. Every day we take glory in the development of the world, feel the sense of the world being brought by the advanced technology and the rich material world. And yet into the new era, we found the world needs more and more return to the spiritual energy sector, the ultimate aim of the competition is to let love blossom in this world.


       Global Premier Women Competition of 2015 is honored that we have successfully invited the United Nations international aid organizations, the United Nations humanitarian foundation -- Doctors and Nurses to the World Foundation; the world’s famous health communication organization for woman -- Rui Family Foundation (drrui.org); offering loving care to all mankind -- Azure Foundation; Shenzhen volunteer association of 1.2 million personnel, all meet in China, together help launch the Premier Women Competition jointly with nature of love.

      Let love blossom in this world, is a time for the return of the love and pursuit, we are as a whole awakening for the human spirit world and recovery. It allows us to awaken people in front of the power of love for the lofty pursuit of love.

2S9A3073.jpg       作为本次大赛的发起人蔚蓝女士表示,爱是一种诉求,更是一种奉献。在世界物质发展到至今,人类物质文明不断进步的今天,蔚蓝女士本以自身行动开始,不断在爱的道路上奉献。并且希望通过这场精英女性竞选带给全人类不仅是视觉上的盛宴,更是一场关于精神追求的奉献。
       Wei Lan as the sponsor of this competition, says love is a kind of pursuit, but also a dedication. Material development in the world so far, human material civilization progress today, Lady Wei Lan begins with actions, continuously to give in the road of love. And wanting to bring to mankind through the Premier Women Competition not only a visual feast, but also a spiritual pursuit of dedication.


      This contest thoroughly extends special invitation to the richest representative of China's women, not only the image of best Premier Women shows on stage from China, but also shows the internal talent and intelligence, in the spirit of love elements being shown in front of audiences in China.

      关于爱的奉献,在人类进步到今天,我们看到了很多关于爱的故事。在爱的价值绽放前,现代社会越来越关注于更多人类精神的内在沟通,希望通过内在爱的能量诉求,施以更多人爱的光芒,让爱绽放于世界,让更多的人找到希望光明的路。2S9A2868.jpg      About the dedication of love, in human progress of today, we see a lot of story about love. In front of the value of love blossom, modern society is paying more and more attention in the inner communication of the human spirit, hoping through internal energy demands of love, promote the light of love to more people, letting love blossom in this world, letting more people find the bright road of hope.

       Global Premier Women Competition of 2015, it is about the baptism of civilization, but also the return of a kind of love, it brought more Premier Women to pursue love, dedication to love, let the world filled with love.
